Boeing aims for annual output of 6 E-7 Wedgetails to fill global early warning ‘gap’

Boeing aims for annual output of 6 E-7 Wedgetails to fill global early warning ‘gap’ Main Photo

8 Jan 2024


TUKWILA and RENTON, Wash. — Aerospace giant Boeing plans to ramp up production of the E-7 Wedgetail to an ambitious six planes per year to keep up with burgeoning global demand, according to the company official charged with getting the early warning birds in the air.

Previously, executives discussed plans for producing four of the radar planes a year with the possibility of reaching up to six. But in a December interview with Breaking Defense inside a trailer that houses a partial mockup of the Wedgetail’s interior at Boeing’s Tukwila Development Center, E-7 program manager Stu Voboril said it’s become obvious the company will shoot for the higher end as legacy airframes are phased out.

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